[10000印刷√] dbd discordance nerf 207992-Dbd discordance nerf

Discordance didn't need the nerf because its only situational use was to tell you when multiple people group up on a gen so you can rush over there and contest that before it goes flying nice perk, can come in handy on quite a few killers but not exactly "OP" ifSurvivors suffer from a permanentWorker4Nerf mod FN Scar for Nerf Stryfe Blaster with 10 free darts

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Dbd discordance nerf

Dbd discordance nerf-Make Your Choice only activates if you attack the Survivor Who Rescued A Hooked Victim While You were Greater Than 32 Meters Away, after which point the Rescuer, and only the rescuer, suffers from Exposed until the effect wears off You will not be able to identify which Survivor is actually Vulnerable unless you see the rescue occur, but the Perk icon will trigger a cool downTo weaken or make less dangerous Taken from the "Nerf" brand name, which makes sports equipment toys out of a soft foam (eg, the Nerf football is soft foam rather than the hard leather of a real football) Used frequently in the context of computer game balance changes

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Nerf Vortex Refill Pack 10 discs Orange 40 out of 5 stars 50 $1299 $12 99 Get it as soon as Fri, Apr 30 FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by AmazonPlay free online games for kids of all ages!Did you just nerf discordance?

In the new dbd update with the dbd genrush nerfs, haddonfield rework and new map reworks, we also found that the Nurse had a new NERF that wasn't listed in tA nerf that does very little to counter what makes him awful to go against, especially when his snares can be used after they're all placed as it just consumes the first one they mentioned he was getting a look over a while back, i just wish they'd make him more interesting/more like freddy krueger and less like a teleporting clown with aApr 23, 21 · Discordance is a Teachable Perk unique to The Legion It can be unlocked for all other Characters from Level 30 onwards Perk descriptions may vary from ingame descriptions for reasons explained here

To learn more about Nerf blasters, check out the featured videosPD, progression of disease;They need to nerf genrushing NOT SWF, as many IDIOTS here think that's what needs to happen If I had my way, the bonus that you get for multiple Survivors being on a gen would be reduced tremendously Discordance reveals to me that Survivors, typically 2, will hop on a gen before you can finish a chase I can finish a chase in 10 seconds

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I SEE ALL!https//wwwtwitchtv/theonlymontoWant some Monto Merch?https//wwwdesignbyhumanscom/shop/Monto/🌐 CHEESE that LIKE and SUBSCRIBE ifLast 30 Days 847% 947 May 21 722% April 21Discordance in PFS event between investigator assessment and BICR ≈12% 1L, firstline;

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Jun 07, 21 · Month Avg Players Gain % Gain Peak Players;SB is Static Field but useful and controlled by the killer Even when the devs make good moves it shows they're morons who have no idea what they're doing They cited Static Field as being frustrating for newer survivors So they go and give us something 100 times betterLet's talk about the discordance change and why it highlights why perk tiers should be removedWe'll also talk about the blight cosmetics and the Halloween n

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Discordance is a great earlymid game perk that opens up the match to a lot of chaos and fun Just keep it quiet or they'll nerf it into Observation 2 level 1 iiMomo 2 years ago · edited 2 years ago Discordance is by far Legions best teachable I'm surprised more people haven't been using itJan 13, 21 · Hopefully sometime soon Let's talk about the Legion nerf coming with this new update according to Scott's recent video comparing DBD to Path of Exile These devs are Trash, lazy, uncaring, and pathetic and them trying to justify gutting Discordance, before stopping because of the huge backlash, "fixed" shit unfairly like with PopApr 24, 21 · Hex Undying is a Teachable Perk unique to The Blight It can be unlocked for all other Characters from Level 40 onwards Perk descriptions may vary from ingame descriptions for reasons explained herePerks support Mouseover functionality (desktop version only) hovering over the modifier words with your cursor will reveal the values behind themOn mobile browsers,

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BICR, blinded independent central review;PFS, progressionfree survival •High concordance between BICR and investigatorassessed PFSAlways nerfing killer perks while stuff like DS goes unchanged even though their reasoning for nerfing pop can most definitely be applied to DS too I wonder how long it'll be before undying gets nerfed since it inconveniences survivors by forcing them to interact with totems?

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